Recent content by Dark345

  1. Dark345

    Missing LSPHP 8.3 modules

    hello any news on this?
  2. Dark345

    Debian 12 bookworm is out is still missing bookworm
  3. Dark345

    Debian 12 bookworm is out

    hello, it's been some time, any news?
  4. Dark345

    mod_headers edit action

    It's something new: the header value "transformed according to a regular expression search-and-replace" as in the edit action in mod_headers
  5. Dark345

    mod_headers edit action

    Hello I've been using OLS for many years, and this is my first suggestion: port edit action from mod_headers ! edit edit* If this response header exists, its value is transformed according to a regular expression search-and-replace. The value argument is a regular expression, and the...